Thursday, March 16, 2006

sweaty sleepover

Upon hearing the news that I would play host to my employers' two boxers, sleepover-style, Randy decided to vacate the premises. Juggling three fairly large dogs in one smallish bed is a solo venture, after all. Actually, I barely missed him! Roxy took care of the high-decibel snoring soundtrack and Biff likes to spoon. And at a robust 95 lbs, he can pretty much do whatever he likes.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sexy, sexy

Canine Hillarity

I was playing pick-up softball in Regents Park last Sunday when along came this little muppet-looking mutt who immediatly jammed his snout into a mostly-empty styrofoam cup of coffee. Having licked out the dregs, he found he was unable to extricate his face from the container and started pawing it drunkenly. Once freed, he, utterly non-plussed, trotted through the batbags, gloves and such and absconded with a bananapeel. I nearly peed my pants.

We stunk the place up

It was carnage. Yuck. I hate losing. We soothed our spirits by getting rubberlegged at a nearby stinkhole pub. Full of smokey City-types. Drank so much that we ended up in a McDonalds ordering food we didn't really want. It didn't help. Needless to say. Poo.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Broomball !!!

Sure, it's a little strange but I'm willing to try anything.
Tonight we are playing the Broomball Semi-Finals right here in the very heart of London!
Basically, it's fieldhockey on ice. Four-a-side. Ten minute intervals. Very good fun if you don't take yourself too seriously. For those of you who are jumping to learn more about this wonderfully bizarre past-time, check out: It's fun to forget you are an adult!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Saw an awesome Yashitomo Nara exhibit the other day. Excellent.

Innocent and angry in equal measure.