Thursday, April 20, 2006

Is this even legal?

The freakshow surrounding Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes is seriously driving me mad. What is all this nonsense about keeping quiet while NOT taking painkillers during birth? How sick can this man get? Is he the most self-centered man in the Universe? Very possibly. And then I read this in some English newspaper:

A Scientology insider said: “Tom would have been required to report back about the birth, tell them if it was silent or not and if Katie was given drugs. He would have been asked to hand over notes and recordings to supervisors who will determine if anything traumatic happened to the mother and baby. If so, Katie will be given extra counselling — or auditing as the church calls it.”

SURE that kid needs counselling. But not from those assholes.

We must do something about this obscene situation. Anybody interested in a Save Katie t-shirt?


At 4:34 PM, Blogger Odysseus said...

Tom Cruise is a 7th level Scientologist, which means he can move things through physical space with the power of his mind. Seriously.

I would love to rescue Katie, though, even if Maverick did get all Sith Lord on my ass.


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