Thursday, June 01, 2006

Picture this

I'm late for work, rushing out the door while trying to extricate myself from a conversation with the electrician. On the pavement I head towards my bike, fastening my helmet and lo and behold ... MY EFFING BIKE HAS BEEN FUCKING KNICKED!!!!!

It would be kinda funny, me standing there, mouth open in time-delay shock, a stupid helmet on... I am, however, not laughing at all.

Go back upstairs for my Oyster card (that's a bus-pass for everyone else) and discover that my gmail account is not picking up email. Or rather, I can SEE the little buggers, I just can't access them. This is still the case, at the end of a long day, and I am ready to do something drastic.

This calls for some swift work with a 30 ounce bat.


At 7:11 PM, Blogger Odysseus said...

"Knicked" means stolen, yes?
That f*cking sucks. Sick Scotland Yard on them.

What browser are you using for Gmail? I have problems with it in Opera sometimes. IE seems to work better, though I am usually loathe to use it.
Try activating the "basic html" view in Gmail (to disable some of the bells and whistles that it might be stumbling over).

At 2:29 AM, Blogger amstel190 said...

cheers, Maas. I'm back online now, after doing some major spring cleaning on my hard drive, but it might just have been Google itself being stupid. Other folks were having issues on the same day.


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