Low Maintenance Lady
Ok, I'll cop to it: I haven't had my hair cut in years. What usually happens is I go out, get drunk, come home and grab the scissors. Snip, snip... tug, pull, shake... and there's a football-sized mound of curls strewn on the mantelpiece. Somehow this works beautifully.
And it sure saves the agro of entrusting your head to some stinky weirdo stranger who looks like they'd much rather be doing something else.
Yay for being curly!!!
DUDE- you are my f*king idol!
btw, you keep some pretty hot company out there Fiona - I'm guessing there is an open invite for me to come visit you whenever, yes?
AB-solutely, my dear!!!
did you dye your hair?
i'm scared.
Are you kidding me? Never in my life. WAY too much effort.
yeah i would imagine, hence the fright. it just looks a lot darker than i remember.
I hear long-term alcohol abuse can do funny things to your memory!
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